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Notes for Prospective Students

The dePaul School Summer Reading Camp focuses on improving basic reading and literacy skills. Each student receives instruction in dePaul Structured Linguistics, Auditory Discrimination and Reading. As the program is designed for students struggling with reading or experiencing learning difficulties, admission screening may be required to determine eligibility. - individualized instruction for school-aged students - linguistics taught with 2:1 student/tutor ratio - open to students who attend other schools as well as dePaul Focus of the Summer Tutorial Program is to improve basic reading skills - DPSL (dePaul structured lingustics) works to improve foundation skills in phonics, vocabulary development, grammar, and handwriting through a structured, multi-sensory curriculum - Reading classes are held daily - Direct, explicit instruction in syllabication, fluency, and reading comprehension - Auditory Discrimination Class focuses on developing basic auditory processing skills and remediating deficiencies.

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