
Request Information

Let Oak Meadow School know that you are interested in learning about their school. Provide your information below to request this school's viewbook and application. Your request will typically be processed within 24 hours. If you have more specific questions for this school, please use our Email Schools form instead.

Notes for Prospective Students

It is the family`s responsibility to know and understand their state`s requirements for enrolling in a distance learning school. Because Oak Meadow is an accredited school, many states consider the enrollment to be in an independent school rather than as homeschooling. Other states (NY, etc.) may require filing as a homeschool student.It is the responsibility of the parent to submit required forms and documentation to their state. States often change their education requirements, so we ask that parents review state requirements prior to enrolling. To help get your started in your research, you can visit resource page directing you to Homeschooling Requirements by State. You can also find resources at HSLDA.org and thehomeschoolmom.com.

Student Information

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