
Request Information

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Notes for Prospective Students

Psychiatric Illness or Emotional Disability -  Such as depression or anxiety, that is interfering with the student's ability to perform in some aspect of their life, including at home, in school, and in the community. Dangerous Behavior Towards Self or Others - Including loss of control, aggression, suicidal thoughts, drug or alcohol abuse, or other self-destructive behaviors. Altered Mental Status- impaired reality testing, illogical or distorted thought processing, psychotic features. Unsuccessful in Previous Less Restrictive Environment- Outpatient therapy or home-based service, loss of previous placement, or severity of symptoms such that outpatient therapy alone would be inadequate.  Symptoms of Behavior Disorders- Including attention deficit, oppositional defiant disorder, poor social skills, poor anger management, school avoidance, or impaired judgment and impulse control. Severe Psychosocial Stressors or Trauma

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