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Notes for Prospective Students
Emanuel Lutheran School's primary purpose is the Christian training
of children whose parents are members of Emanuel Lutheran Church.
Our second priority is to accept children from congregations
affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod on a
tuition basis. In keeping with our Lord's command to proclaim the
gospel, we are committed to serving also as a mission arm of the
congregation. Therefore, we accept students on a tuition basis
whose parents are not members of the WELS. Non-member students
attend as guests in our home. The Board for Parish Education may
limit enrollment because of available space, staff, or other
considerations. Therefore, the Board has established the following
enrollment priority, providing enrollment applications are received
by June 15: 繚 Children of Emanuel congregation 繚 Children from
other WELS congregations 繚 Children whose families have no church
home 繚 Children of non-WELS congregations After June 15,
enrollments will be received on a first come/first served basis.
WELS families which move into the area and join Emanuel Lutheran
Church will be accepted at any date. The Board of Parish Education
will review and approve all applications for enrollment.